During the week of August 12, 2024 the BBC released a story by Veronique Greenwood featuring the Cuneiform tablets of food recipes housed at the Yale Babylonian Collection. The story was published under the title “What the...
Text and photo by Yale News.
Four Yale faculty members — Nana Osei Quarshie, Ian Turner, Erika Valdivieso, and Meryem Ezgi Yalçın — have been named recipients of the 2023–24 Poorvu Family Fund for Academic Innovation award,...
Text by Deborah Cannarella. Photo by Raccoon London.
In June, more than 300 members of the Yale community—including alumni, friends, faculty, and staff—gathered at the Savoy Hotel in London for the “For Humanity Illuminated...
Text by Mike Cummings. Photo by Allie Barton.
Turning the pages of a manuscript copy of the Maʿrifetnāme, an 18th-century encyclopedia authored by the Ottoman scholar and Sufi poet İbrāhīm Ḥaḳḳī Efendi, can lead readers to...
Text by Susan Gonzalez.
In his new book “Assyria: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Empire” (Basic Books), Yale professor Eckart Frahm offers a comprehensive history of the ancient civilization (circa 2025 BCE to 609...
Text by Mike Cummings. Portrait by Dan Renzetti. Photo illustration by Michael S. Helfenbein.
When archaeological scientist Andrew Koh unearths a dusty artifact, say a clay pot or alabaster jar, the last thing he’ll do is...