Andrew Koh
Andrew Koh founded the ARCHEM Project in 2003 to integrate the study of ancient organic residues into fieldwork and facilitate its transdisciplinary accessibility, a goal best exemplified by the collaborative OpenARCHEM database. He has a BA in biophysics/classics, an MA in biblical studies, and a PhD in archaeology and archaeological science. He completed his dissertation in residence at the Stanford Archaeology Center as an exchange scholar and received post-doctoral training at the University of Michigan. Before becoming a visiting fellow in NELC at Yale, he was the Florence Levy Kay fellow in chemistry and classical studies at Brandeis University, where he founded its Digital Humanities Lab, and was subsequently appointed a Senior Research Fellow in the MIT Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology. He is an active field archaeologist, who co-directs the Southern Phokis Regional Project, and has served on committees for the Archaeological Institute of America, American Schools of Oriental Research, National Endowment for the Humanities, American Chemical Society, Getty Research Institute, Town of Concord Historical Commission, and Boston Museum of Science.