Event time:
Friday, April 12, 2019 - 5:30pm
Event description:
Revisiting Cultural Production “After” the Arab Uprisings
Ezzedine Fishere, Dartmouth College
Egypt Repressed: The End of A Cultural Revolution?
Nadia Sabri, Boston University and Mohammed V University
Architectural Model, Presence, and Memory
Mohamad Hafez, Architect and Artist
Hosted and Moderated by Jonas Elbousty, Near Eastern
Languages and Civilizations, Yale University
Friday, April 12 | 5:30pm | 203 Luce Hall | 34 Hillhouse Ave
Co-sponsored by the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
Department, CMES - MacMillan, and the Yale Arab Students Association
NELC Sponsored Event
5:30 p.m.