Classical Arabic
After completing two semesters of Modern Arabic (L1 & L2), students have the choice of continuing the study of modern Arabic, or of moving to the study of Classical Arabic, with a focus on grammar and syntax, with the aim of reading classical and medieval texts such as the Qur’an and the Prophetic hadiths, as well as Arabic poetry, early prose, philosophy, and theology. Students may also pursue both Modern Arabic and Classical Arabic simultaneously for intensive study of the language.
Introductory Classical Arabic I (ARBC 136, Fall) [L3]
Introductory Classical Arabic II (ARBC 146, Spring) [L4]
Advanced Classical Arabic I (ARBC 158, Fall) [L5]
Advanced Classical Arabic II (ARBC 159, Spring) [L5]
After completing this two-year sequence, students may, with instructor permission, enroll in Graduate Arabic Seminars. Recent topics have included:
Arabic Scholarship
Early Adab
The Mu‘allaqat
The Qur’an
Tafsir: Qur’anic Exegesis