Event time:
Friday, November 3, 2023 - 2:00pm
Event description:
Yale Ancient Trade Seminar
Friday, 11/3 @ 2pm in Room HQ 134
Four presentations on various aspects of ancient trade. Each presentation (15-20 minutes) will be followed by discussion (20-25 minutes). Topics have been chosen to reflect different geographies, chronologies, and types of data.
Eckart Frahm 2:00 – 2:40
Trade in the Neo-Assyrian Empire: Some Remarks on Merchants (tamkāru) and Trading Posts (kāru)
John Darnell 2:40 – 3:20
Early Medieval Trade in Eastern Desert Egypt
Rod McIntosh 3:20 – 4:00
Trade and Urbanism in West Africa
Wayne Powell and Gojko Barjamovic 4:00 – 4:40
Rethinking the Bronze Age Tin Circuit through Metal Provenancing and Text
Refreshments are available during and after the meeting.
NELC Sponsored Event
Open to:
General Public
2:00 pm