Friday Sept 8th
Location: HQ 133
Presentations by Yale Professors Joseph Manning & Will Goetzmann
Definitions and Significance
The term “trade” and debate its importance in the study of ancient history will be
discussed. The juxtaposition of “trade as generative element in state formation and vital
engine for the generation of societal and/or state wealth” and “pre-modern state economy
was based on the control of land and staples; trade made up just a tiny sliver of the
economy” will drive the opening part of the meeting. Things to keep in mind for the
discussion might include: “What’s meant by trade and how do we refine it as concept so
that it is useful?” “How does trade work, why/when/how does it occur?” “What are
consequences of trade?” “On what scales does trade operate?” The purpose of the first
meeting will be to meet and greet, raise questions, offer definitions, encourage
discussion. Manning 2018 The Open Sea, “Part I” provides a concise overview of the
history of the field and identifies key challenges and sticking points.
Sponsored by the Department of Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations.