Who are “they”? The newborn child as a divine issue in the light of certain anthroponyms of the Late Period.

Event time: 
Wednesday, October 5, 2022 - 1:00pm
Event description: 

Philippe Collombert 

(University of Genève)


Title: Who are “they”? The newborn child as a divine issue in the light of certain anthroponyms of the Late Period.

Abstract: An anthroponymicstudy based on some “imprecatory names” and others including the late personal pronoun “=w”, “they, them” (like Irethorerou, “The-Eye-of-Horus-is-against-them” or Tjayimenimou, “May-Amun-size-them!for example) will shed some light on a hitherto unknown concept concerning the safety of the newborn child. This one appears to have been the object of a struggle between good and evil divine forces.”


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